Alternative Energy Links

Axion International, Inc.
Axion makes high performance industrial products for use in infrastructure construction. These products use advanced technology immiscible polymer blends of recycled plastic materials.

New Jersey Master Energy Plan
Main Goal: To reduce projected energy use by 20% by 2020 and meet 20% of the State’s electricity needs with Class 1 renewable energy sources by 2020

Greater Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA)
The Mission of GLREA is to increase the mainstream use of renewable energy technologies and sustainable energy practices.

Alternative Energy News
Alternative Energy News and Information. Resources about Renewable Energy Technologies.

Earth 911
Environmental Recycling, Reuse & Renewal. The Nation's Premier Environmental Resource.

Camp Pedricktown
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Project Management Plan (PMP)
Camp Pedricktown, New Jersey December 27, 2001

Energy Information Administration
Official Energy Statistics from the US Government

U.S. Department of Energy
Official site for the U.S. Department of Energy

Renewable Energy Jobs
Renewable energy jobs globally. Green collar jobs from around the world including solar jobs, wind jobs and many other sources of renewable energy.  Up-to-date green jobs info. News & guidance on green collar jobs and the renewable energy jobs market


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