Investor Information

The business plan for Energy Freedom Pioneers illustrates the details of funding and pro forma financials. In addition, this plan illustrates how the integration of infrastructure from pre existing business units secures investor monies. The key objective of distributing the plan is to secure a total investment of $2,740,000. This is equivalent to 40% of the start up value of the company.

Graph of Estimated Startup Values for Energy Freedom Pioneers


The key objective is to secure funding for a series of business development opportunities. The primary goal of the business development opportunities is to simultaneously nurture multiple business units gathered in one strategic geographic location. By "nurture" we mean: reduce manufacturing costs, reduce marketing costs, reduce engineering costs, reduce pilot plant start up costs and increase sales through networking and mutual marketing efforts.


The mission is to renovate, manage and operate a high tech industrial park located minutes from major highways, waterways, railways, refineries, power generation stations and freight terminals including export terminals, that is occupied by thriving alternative energy manufacturers that mass produce affordable energy products.

Specific objectives include:

Keys to Success

The business model of Energy Freedom Pioneers leverages revenue generated from three separate business segments to reduce or eliminate common risks associated with investing in new technology. We will mitigate those risks

If you would like a copy of the business plan, please contact

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